Thursday, February 28, 2019


Wow! I'm extremely excited to say I've officially started planning for my film opening for my portfolio project!

I think I have decided to stick with the horror genre for my film opening, as it is my favorite genre and will help me enjoy the process even more.

I have decided to film the opening with both a more professional camera and my iPhone.

The thing I am most worried about the most when creating this project is falling into clichés. I don't want my opening to be so predictable, that it is boring and uncreative. I have been watching various horror movie openings to see which ones I like most. I like the openings of both Scream and the Shining, however I'm not sure how I would be able to film an opening like the Shining.

Image result for the shining opening

Another opening I liked that could be easier is an opening like Halloween. I like that suspenseful opening feel the really sets off the start of a horror film.

Another difficult thing I have thought about is managing to fit all my ideas into a two minute video. I think this is going to be the hardest part. Therefore, I have to make sure all the editing is concise and that I fit all the important parts in that need to be in the opening.

I will continue to plan throughout the week but I just wanted to share some of my ideas and research I have done!

That's all for today :-)

I included the link to the opening of Halloween down below:

The Shining Opening Scene:

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Music Marketing Campaign



I haven't posted in a while, but that's because I was working on a campaign! Specifically, a music marketing campaign with two other girls, my friends Yejin and Nawal.

During this project, we were given a song and instructed to film a music video. Along with this, we were instructed to create a campaign that would help market a band that we had to make up. The band we made up was called the Wild Stars.

A lot of research went into this project, including finding the target audience of our genre (alternative rock), how to market this genre/our band, and how to appeal to our audience.

We found that young adult males aged 16-25 tended to listen to the alternative rock genre more. Taking this information, we thought it would be a good idea to place live shows for the Wild Stars in close proximity of college campuses, such as Fifth and Thomas in Tallahassee, which is close to Florida State University.

Another thing we found while conducting research of this genre is that listeners tend to be more liberal minded as well. We took this into mind while filming our music video and decided to implement LGBTQ representation in our video. Our video featured a female prostitute engaging with another female character in order to include this representation.

Overall, really diving into research on the target audience of our genre helped us with our choices on the project.

Some of our marketing creations included a website, band merchandise, such as t-shirts and sweatshirts, a video game, social media accounts, and a QR code that when scanned would open a link to the video game.
Our website included a lot of information and links to our social media which can help spread awareness of our band.
The link to our website is:

All of these marketing creations can increase the chances of our band's name getting out there and gathering a following.

The research I gathered and the information I learned from this project will be able to help me on my portfolio project, especially when it comes to appealing to a target audience.
Since my portfolio project is a film opening, I can make sure to include the right elements for my genre and appeal to the correct target audience.

Example of the Wild Stars video game

Final Product!

Well, here is my film opening titled "Misfit." I'm proud of her :'-) I hope you enjoy and thank you for following me on ...